Special Fields of Application

Orthodontic treatments

  • Orthodontic treatments always affect proprioceptive and postural control
  • Proprioceptive reprogramming pre- and post- orthodontic treatment prevent sensory based spine misalignments

Temporomandibular disorders

  • Proprioceptive reprogramming pre-post oral devices and implantology to prevent postural disorders


  • Foot: develops and protects microcirculation
  • Foot: develops the endurance of intrinsic muscles
  • Foot: prevents and mitigates anatomic alterations (retractions, thickenings, intrinsic muscles hypotrophy) caused by neuropathy
  • Prevents and mitigates walking alterations consequent to neuropathy

Venous insufficiency

  • Optimizing the muscle pump of the lower limb
  • Varices: pre- and post-saphenectomy


  • Improving and maintaining poise and good deportment

Eye pathologies

  • Reprogramming after lens changes, cataract surgery
  • Maculopathy: improves proprioceptive-based stability to prevent falls